Where The Hell Have I Been?!

I can see I have not been here since… well, since before the pandemic even started! 3 years ago. The past 3 years have been a crazy ride full of ups and downs, like most people. Some of it started right before the pandemic, almost setting me up to go through it. I had started a new job around the last time I posted and it really took up my time. The greatest thing about this job was I was working from home. Which was something I really wanted full time.
Little did I know a few months after starting the job, we would be going through a global pandemic. It was a blessing in more ways than one. I was lucky in the fact that when the pandemic did start and everything was being closed down, I was still able to work. I am not gonna lie… that the pandemic was such a strange thing to be going through.
In my life time, I have never seen the world basically close down. Never even saw it as a possibility. But, for the most part, I am an introvert and not only did that part NOT really bother me personally, I sort of relished not having to come up with reasons to not be in social, in person. Outside of those 2 things, much affected me, like it did most people.
This post is just meant as a summary update with many thoughts I want to elaborate on in future posts. I got married at the start of the pandemic, literally right before everything was starting to fall apart in our part of the world. I had my new job, which also had its issues. I saw the world changing. The way people started treating each other was a rollar coaster ride, and still is heartbreaking. The pains in which I watched people suffer, the uncertainties. I was diagnosed with cancer. My inlaws are another huge issue. I found out I lost my step mother due to covid, while working, in the middle of a conversation with a customer.
These new norms we are having to deal with are on another level. So much going on in this world. My hope is we can all get through it, to a better place, but it sure doesn’t look like it will be easy, nor anytime soon. Until we meet again….
Beneath the sunlight of our souls, may humanity one day mine love as gold.
Angie Weiland-Crosby